allergist, andrology, arrhythmology, pregnancy, vertebrologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, dermatologist, immunologist, cardiologist, mammologist, massage, a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, an oncologist, ENT, orthopedics, ophthalmology, plastic surgeon, proctologist, a psychologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, an X-ray vascular surgeon, general practitioner, trauma, ultrasound, urologist, physical therapy, phlebologist, a surgeon, an endocrinologist.
Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
Areas of activity:
Obstetrics and gynecology; Therapy, Gastroenterology, Dermatology and trichology disease (hair); Mammology, Neurology, Pediatrics, Therapy, Immunology, Endocrinology, Surgery, Proctology
Traumatology and Orthopedics (joint disease), Otolaryngology (ENT)
Urology, ultrasound and endoscopy, laboratory diagnosis, massage, etc.
Medical Center of multidisciplinary practitioners professionals: speech therapist, etc.
allergist, andrology, arrhythmology, pregnancy, vertebrologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, dermatologist, immunologist, cardiologist, mammologist, massage, a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, an oncologist, ENT, orthopedics, ophthalmology, plastic surgeon, proctologist, a psychologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, an X-ray vascular surgeon, general practitioner, trauma, ultrasound, urologist, physical therapy, phlebologist, a surgeon, an endocrinologist.
Phone: +7 (8552) 74-77-74, 59-90-03
Address: Naberezhnye Chelny, New Town Blvd. Young Lenintsev, 3 "A" (27/22 "A" Family Clinic "Tanaro")
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